I was reading my
ReadyMade magazine on the train and saw a review of the book
Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn. The idea is to convert your front yard into a garden full of veggies. Brilliant! Yards are a huge drain of water and resources. And you don't have to mow a garden. AND you get to eat your own homegrown vegetables. You could make dinner without even leaving your house!
A few years ago, when I was living in Ann Arbor, Michigan, I was planting some veggies near the side of my house. A friend stopped by.
friend: "Wow! You know how to plant food?!? That you can eat?!?"
me: "Yes. It's easy. Dig a hole, stick a plant in it, cover the roots with dirt. Water it once in a while. Pull weeds once in a while. In a month or two, pick and eat. Tasty."
friend: "That seems really easy."
Gone are the days of people planting food and sewing simples fixes to their clothes. It's often not as daunting as it seems. I have high hopes that do-it-yourselfing is making a comeback in a big way. I wouldn't be blogging about all this if I didn't.