Q: What do you get when you connect the mighty fine design students at Pratt Institute with the garbage pile at TerraCycle?
A: Loads of new product ideas made from recycled materials!
This semester we challenged Pratt students with TerraCycle wastestreams - like wine corks, cookie wrappers, plastic bags (like the flower vase pictured above), bottle caps, gift cards, and more. You can come see the winning results for yourself at:
Sustainable NYC
139 Ave. A between 8th and 9th St.
On display May 16 - 19
Gallery reception May 18, from 7pm - 10pm
It's free and open to the public!
Evette Rios, one of our lovely guest judges, wrote up a great summary of winning entries on her blog.
Plus there will be an auction with some of the winning jewelry pieces made from toothbrushes, credit cards and more! Half of the proceeds will go to the student designer, Naima Frankel, and the other half to Trees for the Future.
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